Our own brand of approved smokeless fuel aimed at smoke-controlled zones. Ideally suited to multi-fuel stoves, Rayburns, Agas and other similar ranges. Also highly recommended for Parkray and Charnwood inset.
Probably the best value approved smokeless fuel this year.
Coal Man’s Tip:
Light your fire with a generous amount of kindling. Once the kindling is established, introduce a small amount of the coal ovoids, and once the fire has taken hold – load to obtain the desired heat output.
Guaranteed delivery within 5 working days or sooner.
Our coal is delivered prepacked 25kg bags if you have a bunker or coal shed we can empty the bags in to those for you . We understand that everybody’s needs are different and that solid fuel is not the easiest thing in the world to handle and store. That’s why we not only will deliver your coal to your bunker or shed but will also offload it and put into your store for you.
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