Kiln Dried Hardwood Logs


Hardwood logs are recommended for open fires and wood burners.

When dried properly it is the most fantastic fuel for wood burning stoves or indeed any closed appliance releasing a colossal amount of heat very quickly and giving the tiniest amounts of ash imaginable.

SKU: HWL Category:


A tremendously good mixture containing most if not all of the British Hardwoods, including but not restricted to Oak, Beech, Sycamore, Hawthorn, Birch, Alder and Ash. Please be aware that this does not mean you will get this exact mixture in each load, this can vary on which of the woods are being harvested at the time of placing your order. This long burning mixture of logs is perfect for use on wood burning stoves – especially when mixed with a little smokeless coal. It will burn steadily and give excellent heat and efficiency. Burns cleanly with little ash. Sold by a  cubic meter loose tipped, = approximately 1.5 builders sand bags. Discounts available on large loads.

Additional information

Weight N/A

1 Cubic Metre, 2 Cubic Metres, 3 Cubic Metres, 4 Cubic Metres, 5 Cubic Metres, 6 Cubic Metres, 8 Cubic Metres

Cut Size

Large – 16 to 18 inches, Small – 5 to 8 inches, Standard – 6 to 12 inches

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